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Salmon Milt Power DNA

(1 customer review)


Salmon Milt, Vitamin C, L-Arginine, Brewer’s Yeast Powder, Ginseng, Octacosanol, Policosanol, Probiotics, Copper Sulfate, Zinc, Blue Green Alge, Enzyme



The power of salmonmilt (semen), power DNA
The power of the salmon rushing up against the river and surpassing even the 4th-floor waterfall!!  Salmonmilt (cum)!!
The endurance of migratory birds flying over Gumanri Jangcheon (22369mi)!! Octacosanol!!
Arginine, the world’s best-selling amino acid, vitamin C, the absolute best for collagen production, yeast probiotics, and even ginseng..>

연어정액의 힘, 파워 DNA
강물을 거슬러 오르며, 4층 높이의 폭푸수도  뛰어넘는 펄펄 솟구치는 연어의 힘!!연어정액!!
구만리 장천을 날아가는 철새의 지구력!!옥타코사놀!!
아미노산의 천하장사 아르기닌, 콜라겐생성에 절대지존 바타민 C, 여기에 효모 프로바이오틱스, 인삼까지..


1.무조건 젊어진다
2.광택피부 통통볼살
3.치매야 가라!!
넓은 바다를 황행하다 집찾아가는 연어
4.정액 펑펑, 에센스 퐁퐁, 연어정액의 폴리아민성분이 몸에 에센스를 콸콸 솟게..
젊어지고, 이뻐지고, 환해지고, 머리좋아지고, 몸의 넘치는 엣센스로, 키도 커지고..몸도커지고…
5. 위염 위궤양 역류성 식도염
6. 항암투병시 영양보충

7.뇌세포활성화로 건망증 치매 우울증에도…


연어장액 DNA를 GMP매뉴팩쳐에서 간편하게 캡슐에 담은 파워DNA 하루한캡슐 으라차차 기운쓰며 삽시다!!!

1. unconditionally young
2. Shiny skin, plump cheeks
3. Dementia, go!! Salmon traveling home in the open sea The memory of 4. Semen Pung Pung, Essence Pang Pang, The polyamine component of salmon semen causes the body to release essence. A happier life with a younger, prettier, brighter, healthier body and a nice face!!  Adolescents get taller… they get bigger…
5. Gastritis Gastric Ulcer Reflux esophagitis
6. Nutritional supplements while fighting cancer
7. Brain cell activation, forgetfulness, dementia, depression.
8. Even in infertility. Power DNA with salmon extract DNA in a capsule in a convenient capsule from GMP Manufacture.

Reviews (1)

1 review for Salmon Milt Power DNA

  1. drredsunadmin

    I love to order medicine. Because I am impressed with your shop consultant, friendly services, and genuine medicines.

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